Industrial projects (references)

1.9 μm Tm - Fibre – Laser for minimal invasive surgery

Based on a thulium fiber laser, a soft tissue dissection system for minimally invasive surgery was developed and its fundamental properties investigated. Motivated by the successful application in various preclinical studies, the industrial partner StarMedTec invested in a novel product line for surgical fiber laser systems.

MLL-Prototyp des 70W Tm Faserlasers
70W Tm fiber laser as a clinical demonstrator with approval according to 93/42 MDD VIII
Temperaturabhängigkeit des Absorptionskoeffizienten von Wasser bei 1920 und 2013 nm

Wavelength selection

First, a suitable wavelength for use in minimally invasive laser surgery was investigated in the laboratory. Water is the main chromophore for laser radiation at 2 μm in soft tissue. The larger the H20 absorption coefficient for the irradiated wavelength, the more efficient the dissection can be performed.

Preclinical studies

In preclinical studies, a safe haemostasis of the dissected blood vessels, as well as a complication-free wound healing process was observed.

Results for partial kidney resection using a 1.9 μm laser system:

 kidney [n]

 dissection time [min]

 loss of blood [ml]

 weight of the resect [g]

 cut surface [cm2]

 ischemic period [min]

 complications [n]


10.2 ± 6.5

14.7 ± 29.0

5.2 ± 3.1

5.6 ± 1.1



Histologie der Schnittkante einer Nierenteilresektion nach 3 Wochen
Histology of the dissected kidney after 3 weeks
Intrument zur Laserdissektions

Instrument development

In co-operation with the industrial partner Bauer & Häselbarth, various instruments for the different fields of applications of the laser dissection were realized parallel to the development of the laser system. Since the laser radiation is transmitted through quartz fibers, distal bends and catheter-based applications are possible without complications.

Market systems with CE marking for use in the surgical field

StarMedTec (acquired by Boston Scientific) launched two laser systems on medical product market based on Tm fiber Laser technology.


Results of the scientific investigations and the preclinical results were published continuously

  1. Theisen-Kunde, D., et al., Comparison between a 1.92-μm fiber laser and a standard HF-dissection device for nephron-sparing kidney resection in a porcine in vivo study. Lasers in Medical Science, 2011. 26: p. 509-514.
  2. Theisen-Kunde, D., et al. Partial porcine kidney resection in vivo using a 1.92 µm fiber laser system. in Proc SPIE-OSA. 2009.
  3. Ellebrecht, D.B., et al., Analysis of laparoscopic laser liver resection in standardized porcine model. Surg Endosc, 2018.
  4. Theisen-Kunde, D., et al., Potential of a new cw 2µm laser scalpel for laparoscopic surgery. Med. Laser Appl., 2007. 22(2): p. 139-45.
  5. Wenk, S., et al. Design and Technical Concept of a Tm Laser Scalpel for clinical investigation based on a 60 W, 1.92 µm Tm fibre laser system. in 3. Remagener Physiktage. 2007. Remagen: Springer.
  6. Theisen-Kunde, D., et al., Temperature dependence of water absorption for wavelengths at 1920 nm and 1940 nm, in 4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering: ECIFMBE 2008 23–27 November 2008 Antwerp, Belgium, J. Vander Sloten, et al., Editors. 2009, Springer Berlin Heidelberg: Berlin, Heidelberg. p. 2228-2229.
  7. Theisen-Kunde, D., et al. Laser-Scalpel based on 1.92 µm fibre laser system. in eMBEC. 2008. Antwerpen.
  8. Theisen-Kunde, D., et al., Preclinical evaluation of a 1.9 µm-fiber laser system for semi-nephrectomy, in Medical Laser Application. 2009: Munich. p. 132.

The project was partially funded by

  • Land Schleswig – Holstein – Future Investment Program (ZIP) 2005
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF 01EZ0103)

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