Publication about first simultaneous, functional imaging in neurons and photoreceptors of the human retina has been highlighted as an Editor’s Pick by Optics Letters

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Friday, 3.12.2019

The Optical Society of America (OSA) highlights the publication of Hüttmann group on functional imaging of neurons and photoreceptors of the human retina in its latest issue of the acclaimed journal Optics Letters ( The article describes for the first time in humans the simultaneous measurement of the reaction of photoreceptors and neurons to an optical stimulation. In vivo now, in two of the three important functionally active layers of the retina, the effect of optical stimulation was measured with high spatial and temporal resolution. These results are a further step towards a complete non-invasive characterization of the visual process, the full understanding of physiology and pathophysiology as well as to a functional diagnostic of important ophthalmological and neurological diseases.